Wednesday, May 23, 2007

A Couple is Like A Left & A Right Foot

"Let's just be friends" are cowardly, inexcusable & frankly, insulting. Dumping someone via text or email is PATHETIC.
Impossible is they broke your heart. Why prolong the agony? Say you'll think about it, & call them, maybe, in a few years.

Some things are just not meant to be. Some times you grow apart, move on. you've tried it, it didnt work, learn & leave. Dont kill each other's chances of happiness & waste years on something that will never happen.

Believe in true love & know that men are like shoes. A couple is like a left & a right foot, & out there is your perfect fit. Some times you need to change styles & shop around to find it. Some times you have to break styles in, some times you feel like something that is unstylish but comfortable, & some times a style- as much as you like it- just doesnt suit you & will never fit.

- quoted from "How to Walk in High Heels" (a book that all girls must read)

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