Wednesday, May 23, 2007

A Couple is Like A Left & A Right Foot

"Let's just be friends" are cowardly, inexcusable & frankly, insulting. Dumping someone via text or email is PATHETIC.
Impossible is they broke your heart. Why prolong the agony? Say you'll think about it, & call them, maybe, in a few years.

Some things are just not meant to be. Some times you grow apart, move on. you've tried it, it didnt work, learn & leave. Dont kill each other's chances of happiness & waste years on something that will never happen.

Believe in true love & know that men are like shoes. A couple is like a left & a right foot, & out there is your perfect fit. Some times you need to change styles & shop around to find it. Some times you have to break styles in, some times you feel like something that is unstylish but comfortable, & some times a style- as much as you like it- just doesnt suit you & will never fit.

- quoted from "How to Walk in High Heels" (a book that all girls must read)

Monday, May 21, 2007

Setia Jaya

setia jaya itu sebenernya nama sebuah restoran seafood di jambi. nama jalannya g gak tau tapi yang pasti dalam selama 4 hari g dsana, dua hari berturut-turut g makan malam dsana. Jumat malam selse berenang dan Sabtu malam, malam terakhir g di jambi.

Ntah mengapa restoran itu famous banget dan selalu rame. nunggu makanannya aja seabad. tapi setelah terhidang di depan kita, wiiiiiihhhh... slurrrp pasti dah gak sabar untuk menyantapnya.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Officially Resign

its official. finally, g resign dari sini. no regrets, just look ahead!

kata one of my colleague, jangan terlalu sensitive soal hubungan loe dengan perusahaan tempat loe bekerja. maksud dia, g harusnya gak usah merasa sedih kalau mau meninggalkan tempat g bekerja. kata-kata dia bikin g sadar, emang iya ya, betul ya, harusnya g gak usah merasa sedih ya. teman kan selalu jadi teman. nanti juga ktemu lagi, di bali (tgl 9 - 11 november).

im free, at last!

tday's song: what i've done~ linkin park

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Failure Notice

Hari ini dapet amplop hasil ujian dari Panitia Standar Profesi Pasar Modal, dengan hati deg2an g coba buka hasil ujiannya. Sudah yakin gak lulus sih. G lebih khawatir soal hasil ujian my colleague, actually he was here in my department only temporary. Setelah buka, yah… dia dapet 57 and g dpt 55, beda dua point wakakakakka. Kalau dia sih pure smart, kalo g mah pure cap cip cup wakakakaka blajar sih blajar, ada diajarin dia juga banyak hal, tapi mungkin g kurang take this exam seriously kali.

Tday’s song: Note To God ~ Jojo

Friday, April 6, 2007

Trial n Error

im here in my sis' room in jambi, just the two of us, while the boys out there still playin games.
... thinking ... thinking ... thinking...
wait! someone wanna say something:

Hello yellow, noo, i dont think peanuts are yellow :)
I love you, sis. I am so glad that you are here. You just so bright my day; e-whole day ;)
If I can just make you stay.. NOO, if i can just make myself be with you where you belong.. naah, that's the right sentence ;)
we are now listening to El Nin Yo, sang by Tata Young ;) ;) and she said 'neh, lagu kayak gene neh yg ada di X2'.... naaah looh :D I dont know if I can still have that chance to hang out with here in e wild way hahaha..
Guessing I would take any risk to get that chance.. not the goin wild part, but to be where she belongs :D
Now I was just talking bout myself.. ups.. sorry sis. I just mean to say how your presence is very important to me.. in other words.. your coming to visit me is really meaningful!!!!
Good nite, sis. lav ya!

tday's song: El Nin Yo~ Tata Young

Thursday, April 5, 2007


Apa arti kebahagiaan buat loe? Apa being happy itu brati loe punya the best job in the world? Posisi yang paling diincar banyak orang? Apa pake tas LV ato spatu Jimmy Choo kluaran terbaru? Ato being happy brarti loe married sama orang terkaya di dunia, naik mobil mewah kemana2?

Bagi stiap orang arti kebahagiaan mungkin berbeda-beda. Buat gua, arti kebahagiaan untuk skarang ini mungkin g akan lebih happy kalau g bekerja pekerjaan yang g senangi, tanpa beban, dan tanpa harus banyak aturan ini itu. Harus slalu ingat, di dunia memang gak ada yang sempurna,you’re good at one thing, it doesn’t mean dat you’re good in everything.

Kenapa anak jalanan aja masi bisa ketawa, walopun dia juga gak tau, nanti siang bisa makan ato gak, mending, dia aja gak tau hari itu bisa makan ato gak. Lalu kalau tau bgitu kenapa g harus sedih? Kenapa g gak bisa smangat hari ini? Kenapa g gak bisa tersenyum? Kenapa g gak bisa tertawa? Intinya, kenapa g gak bersyukur?

Nah… itu dia jawabannya. Pas dan mengena banget, waktu g liat kotak APP di rumah g. “Bersyukurkah Kita?” tiap kali g liat kotak itu, tiap kali pula g bertanya2 pada diri g sendiri, yang ternyata jawabannya baru muncul hari ini, pas di hari kamis putih.

His Eyes is On the Sparrow ~ Lauryn Hill

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Me Vs High Heels

Ternyata jadi cw tinggi itu ada gak enaknya juga. Walopun lebih menguntungkan kalau gemuk gak terlalu keliatan karena masi bisa ditimpali dengan tinggi badan. Tinggi gue 167cm. Brarti minimal g harus cari cowo yang tingginya diatas itu. Anehnya para cowo2 kalau ngakunya 170cm kliatan seperti lebih pendek, padahal pas diukur ternyata dia lebih tinggi. Hmmm…

Pastinya kalau g jalan dengan salah satu dari cowo2 yang tingginya gak lebih dari 173cm, trus g pake high heels (g suka banget pake high heels), hasilnya g kayak giant di tengah2 elfs. Sedih deh. Masa tiap kali g harus pake sandal teplek sih. Apalagi klo clubbing, kan gak asik klo gak pake heels (ok lar, klo terlalu tinggi mungkin bisa membunuh g).

High heels itu benda ajaib, yang bisa bikin cw2 terlihat lebih langsing, pantat juga lebih naik, gak letoy kebawah. Bikin badan juga terlihat lebih bagus kalau berjalan.

Sekarang lagi baca buku “How to walk in high heels” karangan Camilla Morton, baru sampe halaman 27. Di hal 23 ada tulisan bgini:

Short Arse
If your escort is shorter than you in
your highest heels, dump him immediately. Pointless. A pair of Manolos
lasts a lifetime, and you shouldn’t compromise style for love.

Very funny huh? So, we better keep our highest heels rather than we keep someone who is shorter than us ( am talking to da gals here!)

Awal bulan ini g baru aja beli spasang sepatu dengan hak stinggi 10cm, g cm pake dikantor, padahal g pngin banget bisa pake buat hang out, tp ya itu seperti g bilang tadi, g akan terlihat seperti giant *sobs*

tday's song: Wind it up ~ Gwen Stefani

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Prince Charming is not gay!

Dreams do come true! I have been a big fan of an x-Anchor guy on newsworld. He just like a prince charming you know in the fairy tales. Brown beautiful eyes, white skin, tall, handsome. Physically perfect! Yeah, a friend introduced us, and then we hang out, went to a movie and went out to this new hot club.

Some people say, If a guy is too perfect I mean he smells nice, neat, handsome, lean n tone, wearing perfect shoes, speaks softly, romantic, well-maintained nails, and charming, usually, dat guy is gay. What?? Not really!! I said to my friend “Well, he’s a metrosexual guy.” N then he replied “How do u define metrosexual?” You know some guy like to be neat n clean too, just like women do. It is not something bad. They just happen to like pampering them self. If you have read one of the post in Blazing Redfish, you’ll get my point.

And my point is prince charming is not gay!!

today's song: You're Exceptional ~ Jojo

Friday, March 16, 2007

Got A Friend in My Bag

my beloved mp4 from a beloved person

Friday, February 23, 2007

My Joy Box

A friend called around 915 pm on wednesday nite, but I was too lazy to pick it up, cuz the phone was in my room while I was in the living room watching tv. I have to pay for my laziness, wanna know why? Here’s the story

That friend of mine called again yesterday morning, I had no idea wats on his mind, suddenly he just asked me out to lunch, but I had this strange feeling, wat was the reason, was angel in town? There was no doubt about that strong intuition I had. The reason was to lame anyway “G mo ngobrol2,” he said. Benny never asked me out just to "ngobrol2".

I arrived at Sushi Tei at 1215, my friend was there with someone sat across him, I knew who it was, and of course my intuition was right. There he was, smiling, I was speechless and when i looked at him, felt like he's a stranger, so all I can say was just a simple “Apa kabar?” ->begok deh!

After a short lunch and a bill of SGD 50 later, me, my friend, n him had a walk. Since my friend had to go back early to his office, we walk him to the taxi queue meaning I have time just to be wif my pit itam alone.

Thanks to the short walk, made the awkwardness disappear.

Today’s song: Oh Happy Day ~ ost Sister Act 2

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Spread The Love

Dulu g berpikir klo Vals day itu cuma dirayain ama pasangan2 aja, tp ternyata g salah, buktinya hari ini g ktemu salah satu tmen g yang lagi di toko bunga sama bokapnya, ternyata bokapnya lagi beli bunga mawar buat sang nyokap and abis dari toko bunga, mereka mao hunting kado lagi, liat2 kalo ada kado yang cocok buat nyokapnya.

Hari ini g gak spread love sama siapa2 kayaknya, karena g cuma balas ucapan dari tman2 yang ngucapin ke g. Jadi menurut g sebenernya hari ini tuh gak special2 banget. I got love everyday anyway.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Uneg Eneg Gue

capek pake bahasa inggris, kemampuan g terbatas, jadi pake bahasa nasional g, bahasa indonesia.

Bulan january kmaren g banyak banget masalah di kantor. Ntah kenapa g sedih banget, masalah bertubi-tubi datang, but i think it will come eventually. Satu2nya hiburan g ya tman2 g lar, yg nyemangatin g, mereka blg jgn give up easily, tp dilain pihak kata hati g dah gak tahan n pngin cabut. Skarang sih blom bisa cabut, soalnya g mo ujian dulu, mo lulus dulu, mo dpt ganti uang ujian 450rb dulu, trutama g mo dapet bonus dulu hehehehe. Setelah itu, biar deh mengalir seperti air, yang pnting skarang seiring waktu berjalan g juga coba banyak belajar, banyak doa sambil bekerja.

Waktu curhat sama tmen g, dia blg g better ask my self 1st, sebenernya mo jadi apa sih g ini, trus gali, kira2 talent g apa sih yang bisa g manfaatin buat dapet kerjaan yang g bner2 suka. Bukannya apa2 lho, g sendiri bingung nih, g mo jadi apa, mo ngapain, n apa sih yg g suka n g bner2 bisa. Sedihnya disitu, kadang g merasa i push my self too much, i even hate my self sometime, which is not good for me, but wat can i possibly do?

last week, tmen dkat g baru bilang ke g klo dia harus pindah dari kerjaannya yang skg, g sedih buat dia dan sedih karena dengan demikian g gak bisa ktemu dia deh. tadinya dia plan mo pulang indo CNY ini, tp karena harus pindah kerja, melayang lah cutinya T_T. sedih bneran! kan lama lagi baru bisa ktemu, itupun gak tau bisa ktemu lagi ato gak hiks. ditambah lagi, g bikin runyam masalah (loe emang gak baca situasi deh vin), g ngambek wakkakakak dasar anak2. maapkan daku ya nil... abisnya... *mikir alasan yang tpat buat bole ngambek* klo g kesel, kenapa itu smua harus datang disaat dia mo dtg.

today's song: rainy days and mondays ~ susan wong

Friday, February 2, 2007

Lesson of Life

You can tell someone’s character just by the way they solve their problem. In my case, yesterday was da day.

I usually come to my office around 8 am. My roommate, has already there. That morning I saw my maintenance log dated 22 jan was in my table wif loads of flag in it. Suddenly I was like freaked out. I didn’t know wat I think, I was panic. I asked my self was dat mean I have to do it, start all over again.
My roommate taught me, I should’ve not acted like that, and he said I should have act calm, see what’s the problem, check out, absorb, and then try to solve it one at a time. I hate that he was right. He copied every single words I used to use if im panicking. I laugh at my self in front of him.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

The Fantasy World

This afternoon i went to Dunia Fantasi wif my friends. It has growing rapidly bigger and better than the last time i visit it. The last time i went there, it was quite a bad experience which involved a friend from the past. Anyway, the uncomfortable things dat happen are: queue for almost 2 hours in wahana meteor attack, met stinky ppl (maybe i was stinky to them too), and the weather was quite hot.

I get to see their parade. i've never seen it before in my life and i think its not lame, not bad for DuFan ;p we went home at 6 i think, and only ride 4 wahana (damn dat queue).

After got home and dressed up, we went to plaza indonesia to grab some dinner, and Imel asked me about "the boy" (g lagi jaga nama baek orang nih) and then she suddenly hit me wif some advices. Its not dat i dont know how to thank her, but i just dont feel like to talk about it now, i just wanna have a great saturday nite, enjoy my dinner and hang out without any worries in my head.

I cant help but wonder, is it true dat im still living in denial, in a fantasy world of my own? where i dream about living happily ever after wif him. We all do live in our fantasy world, like it or not, our dream is part of it. I put hope on him through God, im not closing my heart to other man, i was just........ i dont know, i think i need my own time.

We went to the karaoke place after dinner, meeting David, Robin' brother, and he kept telling me "You've change from the last time we met." Well David, ppl's change.

Tday' song: Akhir Rasa Ini ~ Samsons Band

Saturday, January 20, 2007

The Annual Dinner

Bergegas pulang ke ascott trus mandi, dandan, and all dat, yang bukain pintu Fairuz, Imel lagi sibuk online di kamar. Sambil nungguin Robin juga sih. Abis mandi Imel help me doing my hair and then put a little make up on my eye.. hihihi she's good at it.

I felt so gorgeous dat nite, g gak maksud mo muji diri g sendiri, tapi g tuh orangnya moody-an. yang bikin g kadang tuh dah dressed up cuma muka manyun. Tapi maren tuh emang excited banget, mood g di level yg cukup tinggi lar.

Well, g brasa jadi kayak Carrie Bradshaw di sex n the city deh pas pulang. Pulang ke apt, yang dket klo mo kemana2. ya g tau bagaimanapun g harus bersyukur klo masi punya rumah and all dat. i am!

Kata temen2 g, klo g inap g liar kyk burung lepas dari sangkar, pngin terbang kemana aja. ;p

Tday's song: stickwitu~PCD