Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Me Vs High Heels

Ternyata jadi cw tinggi itu ada gak enaknya juga. Walopun lebih menguntungkan kalau gemuk gak terlalu keliatan karena masi bisa ditimpali dengan tinggi badan. Tinggi gue 167cm. Brarti minimal g harus cari cowo yang tingginya diatas itu. Anehnya para cowo2 kalau ngakunya 170cm kliatan seperti lebih pendek, padahal pas diukur ternyata dia lebih tinggi. Hmmm…

Pastinya kalau g jalan dengan salah satu dari cowo2 yang tingginya gak lebih dari 173cm, trus g pake high heels (g suka banget pake high heels), hasilnya g kayak giant di tengah2 elfs. Sedih deh. Masa tiap kali g harus pake sandal teplek sih. Apalagi klo clubbing, kan gak asik klo gak pake heels (ok lar, klo terlalu tinggi mungkin bisa membunuh g).

High heels itu benda ajaib, yang bisa bikin cw2 terlihat lebih langsing, pantat juga lebih naik, gak letoy kebawah. Bikin badan juga terlihat lebih bagus kalau berjalan.

Sekarang lagi baca buku “How to walk in high heels” karangan Camilla Morton, baru sampe halaman 27. Di hal 23 ada tulisan bgini:

Short Arse
If your escort is shorter than you in
your highest heels, dump him immediately. Pointless. A pair of Manolos
lasts a lifetime, and you shouldn’t compromise style for love.

Very funny huh? So, we better keep our highest heels rather than we keep someone who is shorter than us ( am talking to da gals here!)

Awal bulan ini g baru aja beli spasang sepatu dengan hak stinggi 10cm, g cm pake dikantor, padahal g pngin banget bisa pake buat hang out, tp ya itu seperti g bilang tadi, g akan terlihat seperti giant *sobs*

tday's song: Wind it up ~ Gwen Stefani

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Prince Charming is not gay!

Dreams do come true! I have been a big fan of an x-Anchor guy on newsworld. He just like a prince charming you know in the fairy tales. Brown beautiful eyes, white skin, tall, handsome. Physically perfect! Yeah, a friend introduced us, and then we hang out, went to a movie and went out to this new hot club.

Some people say, If a guy is too perfect I mean he smells nice, neat, handsome, lean n tone, wearing perfect shoes, speaks softly, romantic, well-maintained nails, and charming, usually, dat guy is gay. What?? Not really!! I said to my friend “Well, he’s a metrosexual guy.” N then he replied “How do u define metrosexual?” You know some guy like to be neat n clean too, just like women do. It is not something bad. They just happen to like pampering them self. If you have read one of the post in Blazing Redfish, you’ll get my point.

And my point is prince charming is not gay!!

today's song: You're Exceptional ~ Jojo

Friday, March 16, 2007

Got A Friend in My Bag

my beloved mp4 from a beloved person