Friday, February 23, 2007

My Joy Box

A friend called around 915 pm on wednesday nite, but I was too lazy to pick it up, cuz the phone was in my room while I was in the living room watching tv. I have to pay for my laziness, wanna know why? Here’s the story

That friend of mine called again yesterday morning, I had no idea wats on his mind, suddenly he just asked me out to lunch, but I had this strange feeling, wat was the reason, was angel in town? There was no doubt about that strong intuition I had. The reason was to lame anyway “G mo ngobrol2,” he said. Benny never asked me out just to "ngobrol2".

I arrived at Sushi Tei at 1215, my friend was there with someone sat across him, I knew who it was, and of course my intuition was right. There he was, smiling, I was speechless and when i looked at him, felt like he's a stranger, so all I can say was just a simple “Apa kabar?” ->begok deh!

After a short lunch and a bill of SGD 50 later, me, my friend, n him had a walk. Since my friend had to go back early to his office, we walk him to the taxi queue meaning I have time just to be wif my pit itam alone.

Thanks to the short walk, made the awkwardness disappear.

Today’s song: Oh Happy Day ~ ost Sister Act 2

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Spread The Love

Dulu g berpikir klo Vals day itu cuma dirayain ama pasangan2 aja, tp ternyata g salah, buktinya hari ini g ktemu salah satu tmen g yang lagi di toko bunga sama bokapnya, ternyata bokapnya lagi beli bunga mawar buat sang nyokap and abis dari toko bunga, mereka mao hunting kado lagi, liat2 kalo ada kado yang cocok buat nyokapnya.

Hari ini g gak spread love sama siapa2 kayaknya, karena g cuma balas ucapan dari tman2 yang ngucapin ke g. Jadi menurut g sebenernya hari ini tuh gak special2 banget. I got love everyday anyway.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Uneg Eneg Gue

capek pake bahasa inggris, kemampuan g terbatas, jadi pake bahasa nasional g, bahasa indonesia.

Bulan january kmaren g banyak banget masalah di kantor. Ntah kenapa g sedih banget, masalah bertubi-tubi datang, but i think it will come eventually. Satu2nya hiburan g ya tman2 g lar, yg nyemangatin g, mereka blg jgn give up easily, tp dilain pihak kata hati g dah gak tahan n pngin cabut. Skarang sih blom bisa cabut, soalnya g mo ujian dulu, mo lulus dulu, mo dpt ganti uang ujian 450rb dulu, trutama g mo dapet bonus dulu hehehehe. Setelah itu, biar deh mengalir seperti air, yang pnting skarang seiring waktu berjalan g juga coba banyak belajar, banyak doa sambil bekerja.

Waktu curhat sama tmen g, dia blg g better ask my self 1st, sebenernya mo jadi apa sih g ini, trus gali, kira2 talent g apa sih yang bisa g manfaatin buat dapet kerjaan yang g bner2 suka. Bukannya apa2 lho, g sendiri bingung nih, g mo jadi apa, mo ngapain, n apa sih yg g suka n g bner2 bisa. Sedihnya disitu, kadang g merasa i push my self too much, i even hate my self sometime, which is not good for me, but wat can i possibly do?

last week, tmen dkat g baru bilang ke g klo dia harus pindah dari kerjaannya yang skg, g sedih buat dia dan sedih karena dengan demikian g gak bisa ktemu dia deh. tadinya dia plan mo pulang indo CNY ini, tp karena harus pindah kerja, melayang lah cutinya T_T. sedih bneran! kan lama lagi baru bisa ktemu, itupun gak tau bisa ktemu lagi ato gak hiks. ditambah lagi, g bikin runyam masalah (loe emang gak baca situasi deh vin), g ngambek wakkakakak dasar anak2. maapkan daku ya nil... abisnya... *mikir alasan yang tpat buat bole ngambek* klo g kesel, kenapa itu smua harus datang disaat dia mo dtg.

today's song: rainy days and mondays ~ susan wong

Friday, February 2, 2007

Lesson of Life

You can tell someone’s character just by the way they solve their problem. In my case, yesterday was da day.

I usually come to my office around 8 am. My roommate, has already there. That morning I saw my maintenance log dated 22 jan was in my table wif loads of flag in it. Suddenly I was like freaked out. I didn’t know wat I think, I was panic. I asked my self was dat mean I have to do it, start all over again.
My roommate taught me, I should’ve not acted like that, and he said I should have act calm, see what’s the problem, check out, absorb, and then try to solve it one at a time. I hate that he was right. He copied every single words I used to use if im panicking. I laugh at my self in front of him.